Tame your Demons

Uncategorized May 07, 2019

" her family wasn't very good at talking about important stuff. And of all of them, she was the least good at it. When she tried, it felt like all the chains on all her imagined safes and trunks started rattling”

Does that sound like you? It's not always easy to talk about the important stuff. In fact, it can be damn scary at times. The idea of all those trunks and safes springing open and releasing the demons, the memories, the toxic thoughts could turn most people to stone quicker than a stolen glance at the great Gorgon, Medusa.

Childhood was when you probably first set up this unholy zoo of caged fears. And as you rambled through life you collected a few more characters to cage. School certainly offered up a couple. How about your career and family? Think you might have a demon or two adopted from those relationships?

But it takes more strength to continually check those locks and tighten those chains than to finally free yourself of their powers.

Answer me this; how often do you safeguard against those monsters escaping? Maybe the moments before a big presentation, pitch meeting or interview. Perhaps as you sit at your desk preparing (or procrastinating) your next project. Sometimes suddenly in what should be peaceful moments of silence, bashing sleep away as you stare at the ceiling till your eyes are coated in dust.

Here’s some news for you. Those demons are not buried as deep as you think. There is a good chance people see them in your eyes, hear them in your voice or read them on your face.

So how to get clean? Who you gonna call? There ain’t no ghostbuster for this. There are coaches and they can help you. A coach can safely help you name, tame and master these devilish demons.

The rattling chains don’t have to frighten you, rather they can guide you.

Reach out to me and let’s talk about important stuff.

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